Con esta lista de control aprenderás cómo crear un mejor medio ambiente para dormir.
Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) may speed up healing and lessen pain for some musculoskeletal injuries and conditions. This sheet will help you better understand this treatment.
Sleep hygiene is a series of habits that can help you get to sleep and stay asleep through the night. Why is it important? Getting quality sleep regularly can help improve both your physical and mental health.
Aprende con este video cuál es la diferencia entre roncar y la apnea del sueño.
Con este video aprenderás lo que es la apnea del sueño, los síntomas comunes y lo que puedes hacer para controlarla.
Con este video aprenderás que la cirugía es una opción de tratamiento para la apnea del sueño y sobre los tipos de cirugía disponibles.
Este video te ofrece información sobre los cambios de estilo de vida que podrían mejorar tus síntomas de la apnea del sueño.
Con este video aprenderás sobre las opciones de tratamiento del implante de estimulación del nervio hipogloso para las personas que tienen dificultad para usar una máquina de CPAP para la Apnea Obstructiva del Sueño.
Con este video aprenderás sobre los síntomas y factores de riesgo de la apnea del sueño y si pudieras necesitar un estudio del sueño.
Aprende con este video lo que es la máquina CPAP y cómo funciona.
Con este video aprenderás lo que es la presión positiva continua de las vías respiratorias o CPAP, cómo funciona el tratamiento para la apnea del sueño y los efectos secundarios.
El insomnio se define como una dificultad para conciliar y/o mantener el sueño. El insomnio es un síntoma y no un trastorno.
Uvulopalatopharyngoplasty (UPPP) can treat your snoring or sleep apnea (a condition that affects nighttime breathing). Learn about the procedure and what to expect.
Parents with newborns may have insomnia. You may be feeding your baby every few hours during the night and day. You may not be able to fall asleep when your baby is napping.
When you breathe, air travels through passages in your nose and throat. When these air passages are wide enough to let air flow freely, you breathe normally. Here are images of the nasal and throat passages.
Snoring can be a sign of obstructive sleep apnea. This can occur from large throat structures and other problems that block air passage.
Here are some common causes of insomnia and what to discuss with your healthcare provider.
Good sleeping habits are a key part of treatment. If needed, some medicines may help you sleep better at first. Making healthy lifestyle changes and learning to relax can improve your sleep. Here's what you need to know.
Narcolepsy is a serious sleep disorder. It causes sleep attacks that come on without warning.
Narcolepsy is a serious sleep disorder. Find out about treatment and how to live with this condition.
Learn how a CPAP machine works and what different kinds of CPAPs are available.
Learn what to expect during a sleep study.
Know what to expect during a visit to the sleep lab.
Know what to expect during a sleep study in a sleep lab.
If you have breathing problems or sleep apnea, these surgical procedures can help.
Know what to expect after surgery for sleep apnea.
Here is what to expect during a home sleep study.
If you have sleep apnea, you may be able to use a mouthpiece to help you breathe right and sleep well.
There are many types of sleep disorders. They can interfere with health and quality of life. Sleep problems can range from insomnia to snoring.
Here are some tips to help you sleep well and stop snoring.
If your bed partner snores, these tips can help you get the sleep you need.