La hiperplasia benigna de la próstata (BPH) se produce cuando la próstata crece demasiado y causa problemas. Sepa a qué señales debe estar atento y cuándo debe consultar a su médico.
A vascular malformation is an abnormal growth of blood or lymph vessels. It doesn't shrink over time. It continues to grow slowly during life.
If you have too much serotonin in your body, it can lead to dangerous side effects. This is known as serotonin syndrome.
Serum sickness is an immune system reaction. It is triggered by antiserums or antivenins, and by certain types of proteins in medicines used to treat an infection or condition.
SSLR is linked to certain medicines used to treat an infection, and to other health conditions.
A food allergy is when your body has a bad immune reaction to a certain food. This is different than a food intolerance, which does not affect the immune system. Read on to learn more.
Peritonitis is a redness and swelling (inflammation) of the tissue that lines your belly or abdomen. This tissue is called the peritoneum.
A phobia is a fear of something. Generally, agoraphobia is a fear of situations that are hard to escape.
La anemia ocurre cuando su cuerpo no tiene suficientes glóbulos rojos sanos o cuando la cantidad de hemoglobina en la sangre es baja. Los glóbulos rojos de la sangre transportan oxígeno por todo el cuerpo. Vea este video para aprender más sobre las causas de la anemia y cómo se trata.
Con este video aprenderás qué es la enfermedad de células falciformes y los problemas serios de salud que puede provocar esta enfermedad.
La hemocromatosis ocurre cuando su cuerpo tiene demasiado hierro. Esto puede causar problemas. Mire y aprenda más acerca de esta enfermedad y cómo se trata.
Si trabaja o juega al aire libre en el bosque, puede recibir una picadura de las garrapatas que propagan la enfermedad de Lyme. Este video muestra aquello a loc cual debe estar atento y cómo protegerse y a su familia.
Con este video aprenderás sobre los problemas únicos que la enfermedad de células falciformes puede causar en las mujeres.
Vasculitis is inflammation of the arteries and veins. It can damage organs and tissues.
In the digestive system, cystic fibrosis (CF) mainly affects the pancreas. A child with CF has trouble absorbing fats, as well as some proteins and vitamins.
Detailed information on cystic fibrosis and its effect on the reproductive system.
Detailed information on cystic fibrosis and its effect on the respiratory system.
Children with cystic fibrosis often have poor weight gain. This can happen even when they get enough calories. Read on for details on how to make sure your child gets enough nutrients--and what to do if your child isn't gaining weight.
Detailed information on the genetics involved in cystic fibrosis.